Minggu, 07 April 2013

Tugas 3-contoh dari 6 pilar karakter

Posts 3
A.  Examples of the six pillars of character:

1. Trustworthiness (trustworthy)

Examples like not break a promise to any person, speaks according to what we do, do not apply deceitful or lying to others.

2. Respect (having respect)

Examples such as not talking using harsh words against older people as well as those still under us, tolerate different beliefs, race, or ethnicity.

3. Responsibility (responsible)

For example, work on things that had been his duty. mahasisawa like that is already compulsory to learn, then we should do it because it has become kwwajiban as a student. pray 5 times that are required to be undertaken. and take full responsibility for what we have done.

4.Fairness (fair)

For example, do not blame one person when the work is done simultaneously there was a mistake, do not take the rights of others, listening to others' opinions and memepertimbangkan the discussion.

5. Caring (Care)
For example, we set aside some money to give to people in need, to help someone who really need the help of bleak allow people who are older than us to sit on the bench we sit on public transport.

6.Citizenship (have a sense of social responsibility)

For example, when participating were no events in our environment, such as mutual assistance, community service. establish good silaturami between neighbors, and protecting the environment

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